Isaiah Miller, Youth Success Story

Isaiah Miller | Video Testimonial

Isaiah Miller came into the youth program interested in a preapprenticeship for becoming an electrician. He was hardworking right from the start and took initiative where his career advisor asked him to. As part of the process to get into the preapprenticeship, Isaiah had to complete a paper that involved him calling different employers in the area. He had to ask these employers if they would be hiring individual’s with the training that he was looking to get. One small business answered the phone, answered his questions, but took the opportunity to ask Isaiah about himself and his goals. This lead to the employer offering him an application, then an interview. His career advisor was able to speak to Isaiah’s hardworking, respectful nature to this employer when he called her as a reference. The employer called Isaiah in for a second interview and even though they were hiring for one full-time position, they decided to bring in Isaiah additionally as a part-timer because they saw his potential. The part-time work gives him an opportunity to go to school while also getting hands-on experience with his new job.

Isaiah was originally going to get a warehouse job while he was in school just to have income coming in. If he would not have called local employers in order to complete his training packet, he would never have been offered this opportunity. Isaiah says he is ecstatic to start this new chapter and is speechless on how everything worked out.

Isaiah is a great example of how the Youth Program at PA CareerLink can support an individual who is ready to make a better life for themselves.
