Video Testimonial: Jeraye, Adult Dislocated Worker

I worked with Jeraye for over a year while he was enrolled in the WIOA program and explored multiple avenues to achieve success and better himself. It didn’t always go his way and we had to pivot several times, which is a testament to Jeraye’s resilience and determination. After some changes in direction, he decided to explore a new field for him, HVAC.

Through PPATEC and their incredible educators, Jeraye was enrolled in HVAC training for 10 weeks and excelled, despite his struggles with test taking. To overcome his struggles, he put in extra time and effort to better learn and develop his skills while in training with his instructors, allowing him to successfully pass and graduate the program. Jeraye left training and immediately started a new job, and allowed him to close his journey with the PA CareerLink® on a successful note.

Throughout his journey, Jeraye was positive and willing to put in the footwork to make success happen for him. From research to school visits and all the work in between, Jeraye stayed consistent and determined from the get go, and his attitude allowed him to prevail where others may not have had as much success. 

Jeraye, WIOA Success Story

I worked with Jeraye for over a year while he was enrolled in the WIOA program and explored multiple avenues to achieve success and better himself. It didn’t always go his way and we had to pivot several times, which is a testament to Jeraye’s resilience and determination. After some changes in direction, he decided to explore a new field for him, HVAC.

Through PPATEC and their incredible educators, Jeraye was enrolled in HVAC training for 10 weeks and excelled, despite his struggles with test taking. To overcome his struggles, he put in extra time and effort to better learn and develop his skills while in training with his instructors, allowing him to successfully pass and graduate the program. Jeraye left training and immediately started a new job, and allowed him to close his journey with the PA CareerLink® on a successful note.

Throughout his journey, Jeraye was positive and willing to put in the footwork to make success happen for him. From research to school visits and all the work in between, Jeraye stayed consistent and determined from the get go, and his attitude allowed him to prevail where others may not have had as much success. 

Gabe, Paid Work Experience Success Story

Mackenzie Stahl, Youth Facilitator

Gabe came to us through the 18 South Youth Center. After successfully completing his job readiness classes, he expressed interest in pursuing a Paid Work Experience (PWE) program through our Youth Programs at the PA CareerLink®. During our discussions about his career aspirations, Gabe revealed his passion for becoming a mortician. However, he faced obstacles, notably a lack of reliable transportation. With no available mortician PWEs in York County, I sought a solution by reaching out to Katherine, a close friend who owns a funeral home in Red Lion.

Katherine was intrigued by the prospect of offering Gabe an opportunity, prompting me to facilitate a meeting between her and our business services team. Together, they collaborated to design and approve a customized PWE tailored to Gabe’s goals. The location of the funeral home proved ideal, allowing Gabe the convenience of walking to and from work.

Throughout his Paid Work Experience, Gabe consistently reported positive experiences. As his PWE recently concluded, it provided invaluable insights into the intricacies of the funeral home industry, guiding him towards his next steps.

Erica Stelzer, RENEW Success Story

When Erica sought assistance at CareerLink® in Dauphin County, she was in urgent need of employment services along with facing legal challenges that posed a risk of reincarceration. At that moment she was assessed and referred to the RENEW program here at PA CareerLink® We stepped in to provide assistance. In my role as the Reentry Specialist at PACL, I bring over 19 years of dedicated experience working with this community, understanding intimately their unique needs. Recognizing the distinct realm of reentry, I am privileged to collaborate with individuals like Ms. Steltzer who demonstrate a profound drive for self-improvement and resilience against recidivism.

At PA CareerLink®, our commitment extends beyond mere provision of services, working within the reentry landscape is both a privilege and a responsibility. Each individual, like Ms. Steltzer, represents a story of resilience and a commitment to forging a new path. At PA CareerLink, our mission goes beyond simply offering assistance; we strive to empower individuals to enact lasting change in their lives. Witnessing their progress is a testament to their own will and determination, with our role being one of facilitation and support.

I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to be part of this transformative journey alongside individuals like Ms. Steltzer and countless others. Together, we navigate the challenges of reentry, working towards a future free from the justice system’s revolving door. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

Opportunities with The Pennsylvania Petroleum Association Technical Education Center 

The PA CareerLink® partners with local training providers who have applied to be included on PA’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). Through this partnership, the PA CareerLink® is able to send approved participants to training programs that will lead to employment in high priority occupations. A newer addition to this list is the Pennsylvania Petroleum Association Technical Education Center (PPATEC). PPATEC offers leading hands-on training solutions for the HVAC and energy industry. The school is licensed by the PA Department of Education and is approved for the use of GI Bill® benefits. Their approved program is a 10-week HVAC & Energy Professional Program that covers electrical, air conditioning systems, heating systems, and propane distribution systems. Individuals who attend the program will receive basic foundational training along with industry specific certifications that will be value to employers.

PPATEC is the trade school of the Pennsylvania Petroleum Association which represents 450+ companies in the HVAC and energy throughout the Commonwealth. The program curriculum was design by PPA employer members who have interest in hiring the graduates. Graduates who are hired from this program will continue to be developed through on-the-job training with their employer. The specialized skills gained in this program gives the opportunity for competitive employment packages and long-term career growth.

On January 15, four students who met the requirements of programming at the PA CareerLink® began their 10-week course with PPATEC. These four students will spend time learning the skills required for employment in the HVAC and Energy industry. Upon successful completion of the program, they will have the opportunity to interview with interested employers and participate in a signing day with their classmates to become official employees of that company.

Isaiah Miller, Youth Success Story

Isaiah Miller | Video Testimonial

Isaiah Miller came into the youth program interested in a preapprenticeship for becoming an electrician. He was hardworking right from the start and took initiative where his career advisor asked him to. As part of the process to get into the preapprenticeship, Isaiah had to complete a paper that involved him calling different employers in the area. He had to ask these employers if they would be hiring individual’s with the training that he was looking to get. One small business answered the phone, answered his questions, but took the opportunity to ask Isaiah about himself and his goals. This lead to the employer offering him an application, then an interview. His career advisor was able to speak to Isaiah’s hardworking, respectful nature to this employer when he called her as a reference. The employer called Isaiah in for a second interview and even though they were hiring for one full-time position, they decided to bring in Isaiah additionally as a part-timer because they saw his potential. The part-time work gives him an opportunity to go to school while also getting hands-on experience with his new job.

Isaiah was originally going to get a warehouse job while he was in school just to have income coming in. If he would not have called local employers in order to complete his training packet, he would never have been offered this opportunity. Isaiah says he is ecstatic to start this new chapter and is speechless on how everything worked out.

Isaiah is a great example of how the Youth Program at PA CareerLink can support an individual who is ready to make a better life for themselves.

New Year Success Stories

Happy New Year! We wanted to start the new year off by celebrating a couple of success stories!

April – Adult Dislocated Worker

April enrolled in September of 2021. Since coming into the program, she was determined to attend training for medical coding and billing. Before training she was faced with hurdles from the school regarding her class schedule, but she stayed in it, got it figured out, and attended training. During training she remained positive and diligent. After training, she began job placement services and hit a wall. No interviews, no phone calls, nothing. For a few months it didn’t look promising, but then she finally got an interview. The interview led to a job doing what she was trained to do and what she was happy to do. She achieved this by staying positive and committed while also taking the initiative to put in dozens and dozens of applications. Despite any barriers or roadblocks, April faced adversity with grace and determination, and as a result is now full time employed and feeling fulfilled in her efforts to become an employable adult.

Paige – PCCD

Paige participated in CBI-EV (cognitive behavioral intervention) workshops under the RENEW PCCD program (Our new Reentry Program), led by Gina Vasquez. At the start, Paige seemed a bit uninterested, but as the sessions rolled on, there was a noticeable shift. From a spur-of-the-moment observer to actively reading through those worksheets practice worksheets.

We wrapped up at Module 3 Session 3, She had presented a Benefit and Cost analysis she had implemented with her manager at work, and it was clear she was genuinely proud of herself. It’s amazing to see how engagement can grow when given the right space and guidance. The stipends received from participating in the CBI sessions allowed Paige to get her home plan approved faster than anticipated!

Kudos to Paige for embracing the process and turning it into a personal win!