New Year Success Stories

Happy New Year! We wanted to start the new year off by celebrating a couple of success stories!

April – Adult Dislocated Worker

April enrolled in September of 2021. Since coming into the program, she was determined to attend training for medical coding and billing. Before training she was faced with hurdles from the school regarding her class schedule, but she stayed in it, got it figured out, and attended training. During training she remained positive and diligent. After training, she began job placement services and hit a wall. No interviews, no phone calls, nothing. For a few months it didn’t look promising, but then she finally got an interview. The interview led to a job doing what she was trained to do and what she was happy to do. She achieved this by staying positive and committed while also taking the initiative to put in dozens and dozens of applications. Despite any barriers or roadblocks, April faced adversity with grace and determination, and as a result is now full time employed and feeling fulfilled in her efforts to become an employable adult.

Paige – PCCD

Paige participated in CBI-EV (cognitive behavioral intervention) workshops under the RENEW PCCD program (Our new Reentry Program), led by Gina Vasquez. At the start, Paige seemed a bit uninterested, but as the sessions rolled on, there was a noticeable shift. From a spur-of-the-moment observer to actively reading through those worksheets practice worksheets.

We wrapped up at Module 3 Session 3, She had presented a Benefit and Cost analysis she had implemented with her manager at work, and it was clear she was genuinely proud of herself. It’s amazing to see how engagement can grow when given the right space and guidance. The stipends received from participating in the CBI sessions allowed Paige to get her home plan approved faster than anticipated!

Kudos to Paige for embracing the process and turning it into a personal win!