Video Testimonial: Jeraye, Adult Dislocated Worker

I worked with Jeraye for over a year while he was enrolled in the WIOA program and explored multiple avenues to achieve success and better himself. It didn’t always go his way and we had to pivot several times, which is a testament to Jeraye’s resilience and determination. After some changes in direction, he decided to explore a new field for him, HVAC.

Through PPATEC and their incredible educators, Jeraye was enrolled in HVAC training for 10 weeks and excelled, despite his struggles with test taking. To overcome his struggles, he put in extra time and effort to better learn and develop his skills while in training with his instructors, allowing him to successfully pass and graduate the program. Jeraye left training and immediately started a new job, and allowed him to close his journey with the PA CareerLink® on a successful note.

Throughout his journey, Jeraye was positive and willing to put in the footwork to make success happen for him. From research to school visits and all the work in between, Jeraye stayed consistent and determined from the get go, and his attitude allowed him to prevail where others may not have had as much success. 
