Community Partners
We’re all in this together.
SCPa Works is committed to building a productive network of business, economic development, and community partners to create a demand driven opportunity engine for our region.
In order to help create a region where opportunity for prosperity exists for all, we’ve built an extensive network of partners allows us both to understand the strengths of our community as well as refer businesses and job seekers to the right resources at the right time. Our partners include industry employers, educational institutions, community-based organizations, labor, and economic development. That’s why we are committed to building cross-sector networks with our partners to collaborate and solve issues on a community-wide basis.
Community Action Partners
A Community Action Agency prioritizes the prevention of poverty and work to address its root causes in communities. They support children living in poverty, the working poor, low-income people facing a crisis, senior nutrition, families, and low-income community efforts.
The services provided by Community Action Agencies vary by organization. Many agencies manage Head Start programs that focus on early child development and education, including literacy programs, dropout prevention programs, after-school programs, and tutoring.
Many agencies also manage Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program utility grants, the Weatherization Assistance Program.

Center for Community Action
The Center for Community Action coordinates, partners, and provides services and resources to low-income individuals and families, to promote self-sufficiency; and fosters community and economic development in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, and Somerset Counties, in Pennsylvania.

Community Progress Council
The Community Progress Council provides comprehensive, integrated services that offer resources and support for individuals and families to move toward economic self-sufficiency. Their collaborative and coordinated approach provides a helping hand to York County families who are ready to become more financially stable and live life to their fullest potential.

Lebanon County Community Action
Lebanon County Community Action Partnership provides an array of services to Lebanon County residents through a variety of programs. Services include childcare assistance, transportation, case management, rental assistance, shelter assistance, bridge housing and permanent affordable housing, shelter housing, tax preparation, and barrier remediation. Funding for these services is received from the Department of Human Services, Department of Community & Economic Development, and Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The South Central Community Action Programs create innovative and successful solutions to end poverty.

Tri-County Community Action
The Tri County Community Action has been helping people and changing lives throughout Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties for over 50 years. Offering a comprehensive approach to individual, family, and neighborhood success, Tri County Community Action provides a myriad of programming and initiatives around early childhood and family development; employment, education and financial empowerment; housing security; and community development – all in an effort to create strong families and thriving communities.
Educational Partners
PA Careerlink® South Central Region partners with numerous educational programs from workforce development, adult and youth education, and training and upskilling.

Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center
Through collaboration with students, parents, the business community, and their sending school districts, Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center provides opportunities for students to achieve their goals for employment and for post-secondary education in order for them to become contributing members of a dynamic, changing society.

Employment Skills Center
The Employment Skills Services Center, located in Carlisle, PA serves over 450 participants a year across their core programs of GED® Preparation, Adult Basic Education, ESL (English as a Second Language), Nurse Aide Training, and Workforce Development. They have helped hundreds of students obtain a GED® diploma, improve their reading and math skills, acquire English language proficiency, secure employment as certified nursing assistants, develop workplace skills, enter employment, and prepare for better jobs.

Harrisburg University
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology serves students with the educational needs to enter today’s most in-demand STEM fields. “At HU, they learn in an environment that’s as advanced or even more advanced than the one they’ll find in their new careers.”

York County School of Technology
York County School of Technology, located at 2179 S. Queen Street (just off Interstate 83 at exit 16A in South-Central Pennsylvania and situated about 30 miles south of Harrisburg) in York County, offers educational opportunities where every student is guided and encouraged to reach his or her full potential.

Perry County Literacy Council
The mission of the Perry County Literacy Council (PCLC) is to provide educational programs for Perry County residents and their families that will enable them to better function as productive, responsible citizens. All of our programs are 100% free; we tailor our instruction to the individual’s needs and deliver it via one-to-one tutoring and small classes.
Regional Resources
From housing to childcare to transportation, PA Careerlink® South Central Region has so many resources available to help those who are in need in our region.

Cumberland County Adult Re-Entry Program
Cumberland County Adult Re-Entry Program was created to increase the quality of life of offenders by focusing and building on their strengths and working towards reducing their thinking errors and harmful behavior patterns. Their staff is focused on meeting the individual needs of each offender through the use of Evidence-Based Practices by utilizing opportunities for offender rehabilitation and treatment. By doing this, they will be able to reduce recidivism and increase public safety.

Family First Health
FFH is a recognized Patient-Centered Medical Home and provides team-based care with a focus on wellness and prevention. Our providers meet patients’ needs through ongoing, consistent preventative care and deliver the full range of services for patients.

Hamilton Health
Hamilton Health Center is your home for health. They are a welcoming and affirming community health center, serving patients of all ethnicities, religious backgrounds and sexual identities. They believe everyone should have access to high-quality health care, no matter their income level or insurance status. They take into account your personal values when designing care plans for your needs. They embrace all cultures and backgrounds, and are happy to provide our services at our state-of-the-art facility.

Lebanon Rescue Mission
The Lebanon Rescue Mission works to provide the “weary and burdened” not only with the essentials of life — safe shelter, a bed to sleep in, and food to eat – but also with rest for their souls. We offer the time and tools to build a relationship with Jesus Christ…this is where true life change starts.

PA Commuter Services
Commuter Services helps commuters find carpool partners through our Commute PA program and provides advice on successful carpooling (including “Meet Your Match” days at some employer sites). Even carpooling with just one other person could cut your costs in half. If you carpool and track your trips in Commute PA at least twice per week, you would be eligible for the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program.

Re-entry Coalition of Franklin County
The mission of the Franklin County Reentry Coalition is to develop strong collaborative community and professional partnerships that will empower and support formerly incarcerated individuals, and their families, to reduce recidivism and encourage them to become contributing members of the community. They advocate for change that supports successful reentry for all returning individuals.

Sadler Health Center
Sadler Health Center is a federally qualified health center serving Cumberland and Perry counties, providing comprehensive community-based primary care, dental care and behavioral health services with a team of qualified professionals who can help you reach your healthiest life. They strive to provide affordable, accessible health care.

York County Re-entry Coalition
York County Re-Entry Coalition’s goal is to connect you to people who can help, or who can get you to the ones who can.
Economic Development Organizations
PA CareerLink® Partners

AARP Foundation: Senior Community Service Employment Program
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age.

Bureau of Workforce Partnership and Operations
Pennsylvania’s workforce development system enables businesses and workers to compete in the worldwide, knowledge-based economy. The workforce system enhances employer competitiveness and innovation while preparing Pennsylvanians for jobs that pay in an economy that grows, supports families and businesses and is effectively improving the quality of life for our most valuable resource – our people.

Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center
The Council of Three Rivers is to reduce unemployment among Native Americans, traditionally the least serviced and poorest group in the United States. Toward this goal, the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center has operated an employment and training program since 1976. The current program is funded through the U. S. Department of Labor.

Equus Workforce Solutions® is a comprehensive provider of workforce development services in North America. Our fifty-plus-year legacy of experience encompasses the development, design and delivery of demand-driven workforce solutions.

Job Corps
Job Corps is the largest nationwide residential career training program in the country and has been operating for more than 50 years. The program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers, and assists them with obtaining employment. Students have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students complete their education, obtain career technical skills and gain employment, Job Corps also provides transitional support services, such as help finding employment, housing, childcare, and transportation. Job Corps graduates either enter the workforce or an apprenticeship, go on to higher education, or join the military.