Youth and Young Adult Opportunities

Helping Our Youth Prepare for and Navigate Employment

SCPa young adult programs assist our youth in navigating the employment landscape.  The youth opportunities programs are offered through PA CareerLink® South Central Region.  They help youth and young adults prepare for a meaningful career providing family sustaining wages through education and career services.  We serve both in-school and out-of-school youth and young adults, between the ages 14 – 24 years old, who may struggle to find the right education or employment opportunity.

Programs are tailored specifically to the participant’s needs and goals. Our programs help young adults with career exploration, goal development, soft and hard skills instruction, resume writing, mock interviews, paid internships, job training, and job placement.

When a participant enrolls in our programs, we offer 10 workshops on topics like: goal setting, exploring careers and trades, building a resume, interviewing, soft skills and more. Participants receive a stipend following the completion of the 10 workshops.

Based on the participant’s interest, our staff then works with them to identify their next steps. Whether moving into a paid internship—offered through local employers and supported through the PA CareerLink® — or into a trade or post-secondary school, our staff and partners are there to help. Paid internship experiences with local employers are based on the interest of the participant and focus on providing career exposure, a part-time job experience and a paycheck. There is no cost to the employer.

Internships and trainings offered by the PA CareerLink® South Central Region and our partners include: CDL licensure, forklift certification, Certified Nurse Aide training, welding certification, administrative assistant training, IT foundations, dental assistant training and more. 

We also assist young adults by connecting them with trade or post-secondary schools and helping participants find scholarships, grants or obtain other financial aid. Our goal is to provide support and resources to help young adults step into the next phase of their lives—whether in a job, a trade school or post-secondary education. All of these services are provided free of charge to participants.

To be eligible for this program, participants must be between the ages of 14 – 24 and meet income and have a barrier to employment. To learn more about youth and young adult opportunities, please contact the nearest PA CareerLink®. Click here for a list of South Central PA CareerLink® locations and contact information.

Additional Resources for Employers