South Central Workforce Development Board

Quarterly Newsletter
June 1, 2024 - Volume 2 - Issue 2
SCPa Works received $10,000 from JFF
Inside This Issue
Read more Customer Success Stories
Check out our Industry Partnership Spotlight
Learn more on South Central PA Economy Overview and Job Posting Analytics PG.
Upcoming Committee & Board Dates
Administration and Finance Committee Meeting
June 13, 2024, at 8:30 am
Executive Committee
June 20, 2024, at 8:30 am
Board of Directors
June 27, 2024, at 8:30 am
All Committee Meetings are held at 4201 Crums Mill Road, Suite 100A, Harrisburg, PA 17112. The June 27, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting will be held VIRTUALLY.
SCPa Works Employee Anniversaries
Judy Santiago, Program Officer – 2 YEARS
Jesse McCree, Chief Operating Officer – 9 YEARS
Christine Bonneau, Operations Specialist – 7 YEARS
Matthew Ross, Business Services Program Manager – 6 YEARS
Cynthia Picht, Senior Industry Specialist – 6 YEARS
Holly LeMaster, Software Specialist – 5 YEARS


SCPa Works staff attended the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals 40th Annual Conference held in San Antonio, Texas

Fair Chance Implementation Series with Envoy
SCPa Works recently collaborated with Envoy to provide Fair Chance employment guidance and implementation support to construction companies in South Central PA. The Series content was delivered by the Envoy team across five 90-minute modules between Feb 13, 2024, and May 7th, 2024. The goal of the Series was to work with a cohort of employers to collaboratively expand and improve Fair Chance practices by setting a foundation of knowledge around Fair Chance employment and supporting employers as they identified internal policy change, community partnerships, and measurement goals within their distinct Fair Chance employment journeys.
The content for the Series included five modules; four were conducted virtually, and one was facilitated in person, which covered a variety of topics related to Fair Chance employment. In these 90-minute sessions, participants were led through a combination of instructional content, guest speakers, implementation activities, and facilitated discussion. Utilizing Envoy’s customized course management system, the Fair Chance Hub, employer participants had access to all of the session agendas, guest speaker lists, implementation activities, resources, and presentation decks.
The Series was well received by employer participants, with all respondents answering they would be Likely or Extremely Likely to recommend the Series to a fellow employer. All respondents rated the facilitation of the Series as Excellent, with half of respondents preferring virtual facilitation, and the other half preferring in-person
facilitation. Most importantly, all participants finished the Series indicating that they now felt they had the tools and information to begin implementing Fair Chance practices within their company.
Envoy provided each employer with a customized resource packet, such as the Community Partnership Process Map, the Working Group Guide, or the FAQ resource, to address their particular internal and external challenges.
“Modern investment by Workforce Development Boards means using all the tools at our disposal to advance Fair Chance employment with companies in our regions.”
SCPa Works receives a $10,000 award from Jobs for the Future
SCPa Works received a $10,000 grant from the national Jobs for the Future (JFF) Workforce Communities of Action, one of only four workforce boards in the country to receive the funding. Funding will support SCPa Works’ investment in evaluation and impact tools as well as capacity building in strategic fund diversification.
“SCPa Works is proud of our collaborative work with JFF to improve economic mobility for job seekers in our region,” says CEO Jesse McCree. “JFF has provided us expertise, resources, and best practices to help us continue to transform the power & platform of what workforce boards do to help create a region where the opportunity for growth and prosperity exist for business and workers.”
Jobs for the Future is a national organization focused on equitable economic advancement in education and the workforce. SCPa Works collaboration with JFF will focus on ways to build strategic partnerships necessary for human-centered design and delivery, support the creation of quality jobs for those facing barriers to employment and training, uphold diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility concepts and principles, and align activities with key regional workforce priorities.
National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) Presentation on using AI for Skills-Based Hiring

In March 2024, I was invited to speak alongside of Alison Lands (Head of Partnerships for SkyHive) at the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) on the recent partnership that SCPa Works has developed with SkyHive to bring AI to skills-based hiring in our PA CareerLink® programs.
Amidst a backdrop of historically low unemployment and evolving dynamics in recruiting and hiring, we have embarked on a transformative journey with SkyHive. Their collaboration aims to enhance the way talent connects with opportunities, focusing on utilizing AI to refine client recommendations and service alignment across various stages, including intake, career coaching, and employer services.
This partnership signifies a significant step towards leveraging technology to make workforce development more accessible to all, acknowledging the critical role of technological advancements in today’s employment landscape. This partnership with SkyHive serves as a testament to the feasibility and benefits of integrating AI into workforce development strategies.
By demystifying the implementation process, SCPa Works is not just reimagining its operational framework but also setting a precedent for how workforce boards can adapt to the technological age, ensuring they remain at the forefront of connecting talent with opportunity in an increasingly competitive market.

Jesse McCree, CEO
SCPa Works
Anchor Economy Dashboard from the Philadelphia Fed highlights regional strengths – See the full article here.
Generative AI: A Turning Point for Labor’s Share? – See the full article here.
Research on measuring durable skills – Find out more about Durable Skills here.
Research: Burning Glass Institute and SHRM Report – Download the full report from The Burning Glass Institute here.
Strada: “Talent Disrupted” report – See the full article here.
Career Pathways Maps and Virtual Mentors Help Adult Learners Chart Their Success in South Central Pennsylvania’s IT Sector
“There are more than 1,000 IT job openings per month in SCPa Works’ region. They offer good entry-point wages while also anchoring rewarding career pathways. But despite their quantity and quality, lack of access and even awareness among adult learners are challenges that have prevented the region from realizing the full potential of its growing IT sector.”
Click here to read the full article by CAEL on their Pathways Blog
Re-Entry Success with Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI)
A cohort of EARN participants are engaged in Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI). Consisting of four EARN participants and one public participant, all of whom were previously incarcerated at some point in their lives and are working on finding employment. The cohort has participated for four weeks, and all five have been actively attending classes for six hours per week. During these classes, they learn strategies for identifying and managing high-risk situations related to obtaining and retaining employment. The curriculum heavily emphasizes skill-building activities to assist with cognitive, social, emotional, and coping skill development. We have seen the skills being learned put into practice during the workshops themselves. Recently, there was a situation during a class that caused feelings of anger and embarrassment. As a class, they could work through the situation as it happened and apply the skills they had been learning throughout. This has shown that what they are learning will be beneficial not only in the workplace but in their personal lives as well.
More CBI Success
Tonya Hunter, a wonderful Career Advisor in York County that has been working closely with participants enrolled into PCCD, conducted Cognitive Behavioral Intervention workshops at York County Prison. Tonya was working with two participants who completed the six-week course; although initially reserved, the two women gradually opened up and actively engaged in discussions, demonstrating their newly acquired skills through role-playing exercises.
The training program focused on addressing life histories and lifestyle factors that contribute to high-risk behaviors leading to incarceration. The women courageously confronted their past emotions, behaviors, and risky thought patterns. They identified triggers that led to trouble and learned strategies, coping mechanisms, and new perspectives to minimize negative outcomes.
Creating an achievement resume proved to be a challenging task for the women, as they found it difficult to highlight their accomplishments amidst their past mistakes. However, by the end of the training, both participants expressed confidence and gratitude for the opportunity to take part in the CBI program. An individualized success plan was developed to help them achieve their future goals of maintaining employment and relationships. The women seem empowered and ready to take on their future.
And, Incentives for Completion of CBI
EARN program participants, upon completion of Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (CBI) workshops, have an opportunity to receive a stipend. Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Employment (CBI-EMP) is designed for criminal and juvenile-involved individuals who are in moderate to high need in the area of employment. The curriculum integrates CBI with more traditional employment approaches. The program teaches individuals how to identify and manage high-risk situations related to obtaining and maintaining employment.
Get Ready for our Summer Earn & Learn Program!
We are currently accepting applications for the Summer Earn and Learn program, which will give youth ages 14-24 an opportunity to gain exposure in a career field of their interest. Before starting the employment opportunity, the youth will receive essential educational training in areas such as job readiness, professionalism, necessary soft skills, and learning about the various career pathways available to them. Starting July 1st, for six weeks, at $15.00 per hour, these participants will have the opportunity to be engaged in beneficial and meaningful employment that can help shape their future career choices. This opportunity not only benefits the participant, but also the employers. Through this program, employers are getting assistance with their job needs, while the participant’s wage is paid through the PA CareerLink®. This is also an opportunity for employers to mentor and educate our future workforce professionals.
We are still welcoming employers to participate in this great work-based learning opportunity! All employers will receive an orientation before participant placement and can hire individuals directly once the six-week program is complete.
Please see the links below to sign up as a participant or employer for our Summer Earn & Learn program.
Adult Updates
Partnering with PA Counseling
Partnership with PA Counseling Services will provide mental health services to participants as needed during their journey throughout their participation in the program.
In-House Credentialing
The following credential programs have been submitted for request to be provided within the EARN Program for the participants. The credential programs that were approved by the Department of Human Services and Bureau of Employment Programs are Distribution and Warehouse Management Training, OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Training in English and Spanish, and ServSafe Manager Online Course & Exam in English and Spanish.
Expanding Access
SCPA Works and Equus are working to create a program where participants can utilize/borrow a laptop while they are working through one of the credentialing programs. Upon completion of the credential program, the participant can keep the laptop. More information is coming soon!
Success Stories
Bryan started his journey in the WIOA Program in December 2023. He was homeless and residing in a local Emergency shelter. Bryan also faced a transportation barrier: He only had a bicycle. I began working with him in January as his Career Advisor. At our second meeting, Bryan shared that the shelter informed him that he had to secure employment within 30 days. If he didn’t, he would be facing eviction.
Bryan did not let that keep him down. He was dedicated and very determined to find employment and start rebuilding his life. Through the help of the Business Service Consultant (BSC) and myself, Bryan was provided with a list of local warehouses that were hiring and a professionally formatted resume. At the end of that meeting, Bryan went straight to the Computer Resource Center (CRC) and began submitting online applications. His positive attitude and drive were infectious.
Finally, in February 2024, with 1 week left, Bryan secured full-time employment. This new job came with benefits and a self-sustaining wage. Bryan began working in March. Fast forward to May, I called Bryan for his 1st quarter retention follow-up. Bryan shared that he made it out of the Emergency shelter and is now residing in his own place. He is also able to finally start saving up to buy a vehicle. As Bryan’s Career Advisor, it was amazing to see the perseverance in Bryan to flourish and overcome multiple barriers & hardships. Bryan made all this happen with hard work and dedication.
Jessica’s Journey to Recovery and Professional Fulfillment
Jessica’s story is one of resilience, determination, and triumph over adversity. Battling alcohol abuse and facing significant transportation barriers and childcare issues, Jessica refused to let her circumstances define her future. Through unwavering commitment and support, she emerged victorious, achieving her dream of working in the medical field as a nurse aide.
Jessica’s journey began with EARN, she knew she needed help to overcome her barriers and reclaim control of her life. EARN provided her with resources such as RENEW and Business Services as well as meetings with facilitators to work with her resume to help give her the stability and confidence she needed to start job searching. With courage and humility, she sought assistance from local support groups and treatment centers, determined to break free from the grips of addiction. Through counseling, therapy, and a steadfast commitment to sobriety, Jessica embarked on a path of personal transformation.
However, Jessica’s challenges extended beyond her battle with alcohol. Living in an area with limited public transportation options, she faced significant obstacles in accessing essential services, including employment opportunities. Despite these hurdles, Jessica remained undeterred, refusing to let transportation barriers derail her aspirations.
With a newfound sense of purpose and determination, Jessica pursued her passion for healthcare. While transportation remained a persistent challenge, Jessica refused to let it impede her progress. After numerous interviews and setbacks, Jessica’s determination finally paid off. She was able to obtain childcare assistance with CCIS and landed a job as a nurse aide at a local nursing home, fulfilling her lifelong dream of working in the healthcare industry.
Today, Jessica’s journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience, perseverance, and the human spirit. By overcoming alcohol abuse and transportation barriers, she not only reclaimed her life but also found fulfillment and purpose in her career as a nurse aide. Jessica’s success story inspires others facing similar challenges, reminding us that with dedication, support, and unwavering determination, anything is possible.
Facilitator: Matthew Ross, SCPa Works Business Services Program Manager
Participant: Hasibullah Z.
Matthew: First of all, I would like to formally congratulate you on your new role. I oversee the service delivery component of Emily (York) and her Business Services Team. It is an expectation to receive at least one success story a month to ensure Emily and her team are upholding the vision we have set forth – you are an example of that success, so I want to thank you.
Hasibullah: Thank you so much, Matthew. It is a pleasure to be connected with you through the Business Services Team. Thank you for the opportunity to talk with you.
Matthew: Thank you, Hasibullah. I will try to keep this as informal as I can, yet I do have a set of questions to keep myself on track. First question – Can you tell me about your current role, and how it is going so far?
Hasibullah: I am working as a Structural Designer with G.P.I. This role is basically engaging with the design of buildings, more specifically, using structural design using applicable courses and standards using building surveys, and existing condition assessments. Ninety percent of the work is in the office, doing design, calculation, and repair assessment for both State and private clients.
Hasibullah: In the beginning it was a bit challenging, but I have the work experience through my work back in Afghanistan. Coming into the new context and learning a new set of software to be used and also learning new standards and codes took me about a month to get used to, but I am thankful to have good colleagues and a good manager. So, once I learned the new tools and software, I was able to start with a few projects. Day by day, my understanding is increasing while the work is becoming more complex, but the company feels as though they can put me on those projects. Overall, I would describe everything as going well, and I am satisfied.
Matthew: That’s great, and this is a fascinating story of how your skills were able to translate into what you are currently doing. To have a company who is willing to support you and give you a chance to grow in your job, that is exactly what we want to see.
Matthew: You essentially answered my next question, with how you feel you are being treated by your colleagues and management. Is there anything you would like to elaborate on?
Hasibullah: Absolutely. I am currently working out of the Mechanicsburg office, G.P.I. has a total of 4 offices. I work in the Buildings department along with my manager, where we have the Transportation and Design team. We have software that allows me to be in constant communication with all of my team. In the beginning, I was traveling to Scranton once a week so we could get to know each other. Now, I am meeting with the team once a month, and my colleagues have been extremely helpful and professional.
Hasibullah: My manager has been looking to create more opportunities for me, potentially including me in new work that includes the design of dams. The opportunities that have come around are really encouraging.
Matthew: This is very good, thank you. Your experience so far as an employee has been great. My next question – can you speak to the road you took, which led you to the PA CareerLink® for services?
Hasibullah: Yes. When I came back to the US, it was in February of 2022. I was going through the process of immigration. The resettlement agency (International Services) I was working with had a link to the PA CareerLink®. The office had an understanding of the PA CareerLink®. I was in a condition of shock and never expecting to have to come to the US, but I was told about programs that could help me relaunch my professional career. I completed the forms and requirements at the Harrisburg PA CareerLink® location. After that, we began the process of looking for opportunities.
Matthew: Wonderful! It is important for our community to understand that PA CareerLink® is full of opportunities. You are an example of one who learned about those opportunities, which led you to a path of additional resources.
Matthew: You spoke about your road which led to you to the PA CareerLink®, can you please rate your PA CareerLink® experience? You do not have to give a firm rating, but if you could give an idea of what that would be for the resources and staff?
Hasibullah: It was absolutely smooth and systematic, from filling out the application and creating an account on the PA CareerLink® website. Emily regularly shared opportunities that matched up with my resume and background, gave me the opportunity to apply for a position, and helped throughout the process. I think it was very smooth and professional.
Hasibullah: In the meantime, I feel it is not just the professional work. I was seeing Emily and the team were feeling someone who was in need of help. I felt that process is very important, professionally and emotionally. It was touching, and it was really a great experience.
Matthew: Thank you so much. If Emily told you what to say during this interview, please let me know, you are in a safe space! In all honesty, this is really good and I appreciate you sharing this. This is our goal to hear such good things coming from Emily and her team, but this is the first time I had the chance to hear it from someone who worked with the team.
Hasibullah: You know, you get a feeling throughout the process when you work with people. You can tell they take their job professionally, and they are trying to help you. This is just a reflection of that.
Matthew: Well, thank you again for sharing that! So, next question – you said your experience with the PA CareerLink® has been smooth, but did you come across any challenges or bumps in the road along the way? Whether it be in spots during your enrollment…anything?
Hasibullah: No, actually. I was getting a list of opportunities and was able to understand all of the opportunities and how they matched with my previous experience and what I was looking for in the future. It was always smooth and without any pressure, giving me the chance to choose whichever opportunity I came across.
Matthew: Wonderful, thank you. It is our goal to make this portion from coming to the PA CareerLink®, to enrollment, to getting a job as smooth as possible. We want to hear more of these stories, to further understand how we can not make things insurmountable for an individual and put more on their plate than needed. It can be stressful trying to get back into the workforce, so we want to make sure this process is as smooth as possible.
Matthew: I only have one more question. If you could give any words of advice to someone perhaps following a similar path that led you to the PA CareerLink®, whether it be advice or encouragement, what would it be?
Hasibullah: In my experience, I would say having constant contact with the PA CareerLink® team. Seeing what opportunities are coming and feeling comfortable with those options. When the right opportunity comes, it is important to reach out to the team and ask for help. I think having the patience and looking into the opportunities will help with the process.
Matthew: Thank you again; I really appreciate your time. I want to make it a goal to interview more individuals, to hear what is happening throughout our community. It is important to hear the work being done from the back end to the front end. Hearing this is very important, as it could help us better plan processes in the future. Kudos to you for securing your role. You have Emily’s contact information, and you have my contact information if you ever come across an individual who you feel would benefit from our services.
Hasibulla: Absolutely. Thank you for the opportunity and for speaking with me. Thank you to Emily and everyone engaging in this process.
Hasibullah: Last thing – I think for someone coming from another Country, and seeing it from this angle, I feel this is a very important program. A lot of people are coming over, but they are unsure of how to get back to their professional lives. They just need to be introduced to the right place. From that perspective, I feel this program is crucial.
Industry Partnership Spotlight
Industry partnerships provide a platform for employers to collectively address workforce challenges, skills gaps, and talent shortages. Through this model, SCPa Works works with companies to identify common training needs, develop industry-specific skills programs, and support workforce development initiatives to ensure a skilled and qualified workforce for our region. Here are some exciting training programs we are working on right now through our Industry Partnerships:
Manufacturing Industry Partnership

2024 Pre-apprenticeship Graduates – Ceremony Attendees
The Manufacturers’ Association recently concluded its 7th program year for their high school Pre-Apprenticeship Program with a graduation ceremony hosted at Penn State York’s campus during National Youth Apprenticeship Week. The Association’s Pre-Apprenticeship program introduces high school students to advanced manufacturing occupations in seven different trades and provides opportunities to pursue high-wage, in-demand careers. The program includes students from York, Lancaster, Perry, Chester, Dauphin, Cumberland, and Lebanon Counties, including the Milton Hershey School and the County Career and Tech High Schools.
This year, 70 students graduated from the Pre-Apprenticeship Program. The recognition event included students receiving their state-recognized Pre-Apprenticeship credential, witnessed by invited guests, family members, program partners, and Association employers. The program is registered with the PA Department of Labor (L&I) and has received support from the state agency to expand the program across South Central Pennsylvania. L&I estimates that, on average, apprentices earn much higher starting wages after completion of programs and are on track to earn $300,000 more than those production workers without journey worker credentials over their careers. Employers get an average of $1.47 back in increased productivity for every dollar spent on apprenticeships.
The Manufacturers’ Association is on a mission to ensure that our region’s manufacturing sector not only survives but remains stronger than ever! We exist to ensure that critical knowledge is preserved, expanded, and shared with the manufacturing professionals of tomorrow. Founded in 1906, we are the voice of the industry for hundreds of member & non-member organizations in Central PA & Northern MD. We support manufacturers with the knowledge they need to operate, hire, & train smarter.
Visit our website at or our careers website at
Construction Industry Partnership
Exploring Opportunities: Lebanon County Youth Tour the Carpenters Union Training Facility in Lebanon, PA.
On April 23rd, Lebanon County’s youth embarked on a transformative exploration of construction careers at the Carpenters Union Training Facility in Lebanon, PA. This immersive experience was an enlightening journey into the world of carpentry, craftsmanship, and other construction career possibilities for thirteen Lebanon County high school students.
Throughout the tour, our youth had the privilege of engaging with seasoned professionals and apprentices who were eager to share their knowledge and expertise. Mentorship plays a crucial role in shaping future careers, and the students benefited from invaluable insights and advice.
They also gained a profound understanding of how learning construction skills can shape their futures. From lucrative career paths to opportunities for entrepreneurship, the journey at the Carpenters Union Training Facility laid the foundation for a promising tomorrow.
Beyond individual growth, this experience emphasizes the importance of community impact. Carpentry isn’t just about building structures; it’s about building communities. Through their newfound skills and knowledge, our youth will be empowered to contribute meaningfully to the prosperity of Lebanon County and beyond.
We celebrate the enriching journey of Lebanon County’s youth at the Carpenters Union Training Facility. Together, we embrace the spirit of exploration, innovation, and community building, paving the way for a brighter future filled with endless possibilities.

Technology Industry Partnership
Broadening Horizons: South Central Industry Partnership creates technology career opportunities with the Junior Achievement Virtual Career Exploration Opportunity for 11,000 Middle and High School Students in South Central PA
Unlocking the door to future career paths can be an exhilarating yet challenging endeavor for young minds. In South Central PA, we’re thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking initiative to provide 11,000 middle and high school students with a transformative virtual career exploration opportunity for technology careers from March to June. Through this program, students will embark on a journey of discovery, gaining insights into a wide array of technology professions right from the comfort of their classrooms.
Central to this initiative is a virtual career fair designed to replicate the excitement and dynamism of traditional career expos in a digital format. Students can access virtual booths representing various companies, organizations, and educational institutions across South Central PA. They can explore these booths, interact with representatives, and gather information about career paths and opportunities. Here is what our technology booth looks like:

To support ongoing career exploration beyond the virtual event, students can access a wealth of resources, including career assessment tools, informational videos, and education requirements at our website. highlights the top five in-demand jobs: Help Desk, Cyber Security, Cloud Technician, Data Analytics, and Application Developer. These resources will empower students to continue exploring their interests, setting goals, and charting their career paths long after the virtual event concludes.
This initiative is made possible through the South Central Technology Industry Partnership and in collaboration with our members from local businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations. Our volunteers are passionate about supporting youth development and workforce readiness Together, we’re committed to providing students in South Central PA with the tools, resources, and inspiration they need to pursue fulfilling, high-paying, and rewarding technology careers.
As we look towards the future, it’s imperative that we equip our youth with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to succeed in the ever-evolving world of work. Through this virtual career exploration opportunity, we’re empowering 11,000 middle and high school students in South Central PA to dream big, explore boldly, and embark on paths that lead to meaningful and fulfilling technology careers. Together, we’re shaping a brighter tomorrow for our community and beyond.
Agriculture Industry Partnership
Cultivating Growth: Building an Agriculture Industry Partnership in South Central PA
In the heart of South Central Pennsylvania, where lush green landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, a new dawn is breaking in the agricultural sector. As we navigate through the dynamic landscape of modern farming, the power of collaboration and partnership has emerged as a beacon of hope and progress.
In recent months, a groundswell of enthusiasm and determination has led to the establishment of an Agriculture Industry Partnership in our region. This alliance, forged through the collective efforts of farmers, agribusiness leaders, education organizations, and community stakeholders, marks a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainable growth and prosperity.
So, what exactly does this partnership entail, and why is it so crucial for the future of agriculture in South Central PA?
First and foremost, the Agriculture Industry Partnership serves as a platform for fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among diverse stakeholders within the sector. By bringing together farmers, producers, distributors, researchers, and policymakers, we create a dynamic ecosystem where innovative ideas can flourish and best practices can be disseminated.
One of the key objectives of this partnership is to address the pressing challenges facing our agricultural community. Businesses sit at the center of the table to address workforce challenges, skills gaps, and talent shortages. Through pilot projects, and educational programs, we aim to develop sustainable solutions that promote a skilled and qualified workforce for our ag community.
Moreover, the Agriculture Industry Partnership plays a pivotal role in advocating for the interests of our farming community at the local, state, and federal levels. By speaking with a unified voice and leveraging our collective influence, we can shape policies and regulations that support the growth and vitality of agriculture in our region.
But perhaps most importantly, this partnership is about building relationships and fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity within our agricultural community. In an era marked by rapid change and uncertainty, the bonds of trust and cooperation that we cultivate today will serve as the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.
As we embark on this journey together, I urge each and every one of you to embrace the spirit of collaboration and innovation that defines our Agriculture Industry Partnership. Whether you are a seasoned farmer, a budding entrepreneur, or a passionate advocate for agriculture, your participation and contribution are invaluable to our collective success.
In the words of an old proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Let us come together as one united force, bound by our shared love for the land and our common vision for a thriving agricultural future in South Central Pennsylvania.
Economy Overview
- Regional Employment is 729,207, an approximate increase of 5,000 over the last quarter
- As of January 2024, the Regional Labor Force Participation Rate is 62.62%, a slight decrease from the 63.73% rate last quarter
- The Region’s Unemployment Rate is 2.8%, below the State’s Unemployment Rate of 3.4%
Job Posting Analytics
- A total of 6,886 jobs with an average wage of $52,100 were posted among 1,669 employers
- Average length of a job posting in the SCPa Region is 16 days
- 32% of job postings over the past 90 days require no more than a High School Diplomaor GED
- 17% of job postings over the past 90 days require a Bachelor’s degree
- 41% of job postings over the past 90 days require no more than 3 years experience
- UPMC and The Commonwealth of Pa are two of the region’s largest employers, and have posted the most job opportunity

Contact Us
- 4201 Crums Mill Road, Suite 100A, Harrisburg, Pa 17112
- 717-236-7936

Auxiliary aides and services are available to individuals with disabilities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Program